
Fun Facts about Friends   《六人行》的豆知識

I'm sure by now you must have seen the sitcom, unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past 15 years. (Yes Friends began 15 years ago in 1994) If you're a fan you'll have followed the lives of the six friends over the entire 10 seasons of the sitcom. So you should know all there is to know, right? But what about some of the more obscure facts. I've chosen 10 of the most interesting little facts about the show which most viewers won't have known about.  



      1. A few months before the first episode aired, the pilot was shown to a test audience, who were less than impressed, scoring it a mere 41 out of  

         100 and classifying it was "week".(譯按:應為”weak”


2. Lisa Kudrow played Ursula in the 11th episode of the sitcom "Mad About You" way back in 1992. That was a whole two years before the first episode of Friends.

麗莎庫卓(Lisa Kudrow)早在1992年就在喜劇影集《為你瘋狂》(Mad About You)中客串飾演烏蘇拉布菲(Ursula Buffay),比《六人行》早了整整兩年。


3.  In early episodes of the sitcom, Joey and Chandler lived in apartment 4, while Monica and Rachel lived in apartment 5. This was later seen as a problem since 4 and 5 would typically be ground floor apartments and it was known they lived several stories up. In later episodes their apartment numbers were changed to 19 and 20 respectfully.



4.  Before airing, the sitcom went through several title changes before settling on the simple "Friends". Possible titles included Friends Like These,  Six of One, Across the Hall, Friends Like Us, and Insomnia Cafe.

正式播映之前,劇名歷經好幾次更動,候選劇名有《Friends Like These》、《Six of One》、《Across the Hall》、《Friends Like Us》和《Insomnia Cafe》,最後才定案《Friends》。

5. The very first episode was originally titled just "The Pilot", but because every other episode began with the words "The One..." it was later renamed to "The one where it all began". There was however, one exception to the naming convention, and that was the final episode which was aptly named "The Last One".

第一季第一集的劇名原本只有簡單的「試播集」,但因為《六人行》其他集的劇名都以"The One..."開頭,所以後來改成"The one where it all began"。整整十季中這種劇名慣例只有一次例外,就是完結篇那一集,叫做"The Last One"




6. Gunther actor James Michael Tyler was a mere extra in the first season. He earned his re-occurring role, because he was the only one who could work the cappuccino machine. He wasn't even given a name until season two.

飾演Gunther的演員詹姆斯麥可泰勒(James Michael Tyler)在第一季時只是臨時演員,但因為他是劇組中唯一會操作咖啡機的演員,因此爭取到這個角色。直到第二季他的名字才正式出現。


7. The full names of the characters are...


  • Ross Eustace Geller
  • Chandler Muriel Bing
  • Joseph Francis Tribbiani Jr
  • Rachel Karen Green
  • Monica E. Geller (we never learn what the E stands for)


  • Phoebe Buffay (She never knew her middle name)


Chandler: Handle is my middle name. Actually, it’s the middle part of my first name.

8.    For a joke, in the opening episode of season 6, "The One After Vegas", all the opening credits had the names changed to include Arquette at the end. This was because after finishing season 5, Courteney Cox married David Arquette and became Courteney Cox Arquette.

因為第五季結束之後,柯特妮考克斯(Courteney Cox)與大衛阿奎特(David Arquette)共結連理,冠上夫姓。為表祝福,第六季第一集「拉斯維加斯之後」("The One After Vegas")片頭曲時,所有演員也都冠上阿奎特的姓。

9.    In an act of life mirroring fiction, the coffee house "Central Perk" became a reality in 2006 when Mojtaba Asadian, a businessman from Iran registered the name to use on a new franchise of coffee shops. The first of which was officially opened by James Michael Tyler (Gunther) in Dubai.

劇中的中央咖啡館在現實中成真了!2006年伊朗的阿沙迪恩(Mojtaba Asadian)為他的咖啡連鎖店註冊了這個名字,第一家連鎖店在杜拜開幕時還邀請了詹姆斯麥可泰勒(Gunther的演員)來到現場。

10.Over 51 million people watched the first airing of the final episode in the US. That made it the 4th most watched series finale, behind three other sitcoms MASH, Cheers and Seinfeld.







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